Course curriculum

    1. 0.1 - Introduction

    2. 0.2 - Instructor Introduction

    1. 1.1 - Screens Overview

    2. 1.2 - Pixels

    3. 1.3 - Browser Testing

    4. 1.4 - Mobile Page

    5. Module 1: LAB

    1. 2.1 - Core HTML5 and CSS Overview

    2. 2.2 - Viewport Meta Tag

    3. 2.3 - Responsive Design

    4. 2.4 - Rules for Responsive Design

    5. 2.5 - Multi-column Content to Single Column

    6. 2.6 - Standard Font Sizes

    7. Module 2: LAB

    1. 3.1 - Geolocation Overview

    2. 3.2 - Device Location

    3. 3.3 - Display a Map

    4. 3.4 - Test Application

    5. Module 3: LAB

    1. 4.1 - jQuery Mobile Overview

    2. 4.2 - Page Metaphor

    3. 4.3 - Button Widgets

    4. 4.4 - Icons

    5. 4.5 - Dialogue Pop Ups

    6. 4.6 - Toolbar

    7. 4.7 - Navigation Bar

    8. Module 4: LAB

    1. 5.1 - Gestures

    2. 5.2 - Hammer.JS Library

    3. 5.3 - Taps and Presses

    4. 5.4 - Swipe and Pan

    5. Module 5: LAB

About this course

  • $14.95
  • 42 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content