Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 - Welcome to Wordpress

    2. 1.2 - About the Instructor

    3. 1.3 - Quick Intro Activity

    4. 1.4 - Developing on a Local Server

    5. 1.5 - Review of Wordpress File Structure

    6. 1.6 - Designing a Simple Theme

    7. 1.7 - Making a Header and Footer Dynamic

    8. 1.8 - Working with Wordpress Content Fields

    9. 1.9 - You've Created a Simple Theme

    10. Module 1: LAB

    1. 2.1 - Customizing Your Theme

    2. 2.2 - The Wordpress Loop Part I

    3. 2.3 - The Wordpress Loop Part II

    4. 2.4 - Understanding Wordpress Page Templates

    5. 2.5 - Create Menus

    6. 2.6 - Sidebars and Widgets

    7. 2.7 - Modifying Custom Page Templates

    8. 2.8 - Create the Theme Thumbnail

    9. 2.9 - Make that Theme Yours

    10. 2.10 - Parts is Parts

    11. Module 2: LAB

    1. 3.1 - Filling Out Your Theme

    2. 3.2 - The 404 Page

    3. 3.3 - Using "wp_query()" to Create a Category Page

    4. 3.4 - Create a Search Form Template

    5. 3.5 - Creating a Basic Custom Post Type

    6. 3.6 - Displaying Custom Post Types

    7. 3.7 - Creating Your Own Custom Post Type

    8. 3.8 - Wordpress is Quite Adaptable

    9. Module 3: LAB

    1. 4.1 - Backgrounds and Other Customization Options

    2. 4.2 - Backgrounds, Header Image, and Custom Logo

    3. 4.3 - The Post Featured Image

    4. 4.4 - Using the Customizer

    5. 4.5 - Organizing Your CSS

    6. 4.6 - Using the Custom Field to Change a Template Component

    7. 4.7 - Custom Fields

    8. 4.8 - More Control Makes Life Easier

    9. Module 4: LAB

    1. 5.1 - An Introduction to Media Queries

    2. 5.2 - The Viewport Tag

    3. 5.3 - Why is Responsive Important

    4. 5.4 - Install Bootstrap

    5. 5.5 - Rows and Columns

    6. 5.6 - Headlines and Typography

    7. 5.7 - Applying Styles to Your Website

    8. 5.8 - What You Just Learned will Help You with Child Themes

    9. Module 5: LAB

    1. 6.1 - Easier and Smarter Ways to Build Wordpress Themes

    2. 6.2 - Choosing the Right Parent Theme

    3. 6.3 - Child Theme-Roll Your Own or Use a Pre-Built

    4. 6.4 - The Bare Necessities of a Child Theme

    5. 6.5 - Pulling in the Parents Framework

    6. 6.6 - Make the Child Theme Your Own

    7. 6.7 - Create Your Own CSS Rules

    8. 6.8 - You Can Customize with CSS But We Want More

    9. Module 6: LAB

About this course

  • $14.95
  • 95 lessons
  • 19 hours of video content