Course Description:  

During this course, students will explore all the technical components associated with hardware, software, social media platforms, and open-source tools. This course has an emphasis on objective, risk, threat, and requirements. As collectors navigate through legalities, internet, web, digital footprint, signature management, harvesting, and cleaning data. Students will gain a firm understanding of what is needed to plan and efficiently collect data to fulfill requirements. 

Course Syllabus: Open-Source Collection Technician.pdf

Course curriculum

    1. Copy of Course Introduction

    1. Pre-Course Questionnaire

    2. Course Syllabus

    3. Course Learning Objectives

    4. Introduction to OSCT

    1. 0.1 - Historical Beginnings of OSINT

    2. 0.2 - The Categories of OSINT

    3. 0.3 - The EAG OSINT Methodology

    4. 0.4 - EAG Designed OSINT Career Paths

    1. 1.1 - Intelligence Cycle

    2. 1.2 - Intelligence Requirements, Assets, and Collection Management

    3. 1.3 - OSINT Overlap with the Intelligence Disciplines

    4. 1.4 - Media Types for OSINT

    5. Module 1: Check on Learning Quiz

    1. 2.1 - Privacy, Legalities, Ethics, and Data

    2. 2.2 - The Internet and The Web

    3. 2.3 - Internet Components

    4. 2.4 - Web Components

    5. 2.5 - Managing Attributions and Signature Management

    6. 2.6 - Choosing Your Platform for a Virtual Machine

    7. 2.7 - Adding Tools and Resources to the Virtual Machine

    8. Module 2: Check on Learning Quiz

    1. 3.1 - Discovering Data

    2. 3.2 - GitHub Repositories

    3. 3.3 - APIs Behind Social Media Tools

    4. 3.4 - API Usages

    5. 3.5 - Batch Scripting

    6. 3.5.1 - Python Coding Camp Part 1

    7. 3.5.2 - Python Coding Camp Part 2

    8. 3.6 - Developing Data

    9. 3.7 - Data Use Cases

    10. Module 3: Check on Learning Quiz

About this course

  • $495.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content